Hello, Earthlings! If you're reading this, you probably want to know a little more about who these filking aliens are, and what we plan to do now that we're established on Earth. The Utah Filk Organization, or UFO, was established in May 2005, following CONduit, which is the Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention where we all first met, and where we now perform a concert each year during the Masquerade. Our lead filk alien, Dawnya, was looking for people who wanted to get together and filk more often than once a year at a con, and so we started meeting twice a month in her basement, affectionately called "The Filk Dungeon". We've kept this schedule for the past five years, making us one of the most active filk groups in the western United States.
We are a diverse group made up of both experienced filkers and new recruits, prolific song-writers and people who just want to sing and have a good time. We delight in finding new filk, writing filk to share, and playing with harmonies and accompaniment. We also love gaining members, especially those new to filk to whom we can show the ropes, though we always welcome the more experienced who can show us a thing or two.
We are currently working on a large-scale project, which is to archive all the filk we can to make it more accessible and more easily shared (which is a good deal of what filk is about). One of our members, Julia, has been gathering filk since the 70's, and we're adding to her collection all the time. She's streamlined from the two suitcases of filk binders she used to drag around cons to a massive compilation of computer files, which we are now going through to spellcheck, format, and make hard copies.
Those interested in joining, or who want to know a little bit more about us, can contact ufo_muses @ yahoo.com (remove spaces). We meet the second and fourth Fridays of every month, and do at least one concert per year, at CONduit. We have in the past done other events, such as singing at the celebration in downtown SLC for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Participation in these events is encouraged but optional; most of UFO is the house-filks, in which we just sit around, sing, and have fun.
We love the edit function. Before we edited the above initial post, it had the moon landing in Salt Lake City. I pictured a huge crater. . . .